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Our Story
Centraliser centers Holding Down Bolts

Our Story

Development for Centraliser began in 2012 with a goal to improve the efficiency of Holding Down Bolt installation for large Structural Steel Framed projects. Utilising 35+ years of Civil Engineering experience across 100’s of projects, Satish Karra, the Founding member of Centraliser, has revisited an age-old question to answer, ‘Can the use of traditional methods for the assembly and installation of Holding Down Bolts be simplified?’ - the answer is yes! 


Centraliser integrates a simplified idea to an over complicated process during the Assembly and Installation of Holding Down Bolts throughout the early stages of foundation construction.  

Centraliser centers Holding Down Bolts

Why Centraliser?

The positioning of Holding Down Bolts, as well as the associated difficulty of remedial works to Concrete and Structural Steel Base Plates when the bolts are cast incorrectly, has been a long-standing issue in the construction industry.


When cones shift during the concreting process, they consume all of the bolts movement tolerances. This consequently results in the unnecessary expenditure of both COST and TIME throughout remedial works to correct.


Centraliser will guarantee 100% centralisation of the Holding Down Bolts during the assembly and placement of the Bolt Boxes in the concrete foundations. This equates to savings in both TIME and MONEY, whilst increasing the QUALITY of output. In addition, a noticeable reduction in labour costs and an increase in productivity is assured by incorporating Centraliser into your projects from the outset.


The inclusion of Centralisers in the Cone provide 100% assurance that the Holding Down Bolts will remain central in the Cone as they are positioned within the wet concrete. The positioning of Centralisers in the Cone also increases the structural rigidity of the Cones, thus minimising the risk of Cone Collapse in the concrete.

Centraliser is YOUR guarantee of increased and consistent success for ALL of your building projects involving Holding Down Bolt Boxes, providing YOU with the competitive advantage.

Why Centraliser -
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